Faculty of Ushuluddin
The Ushuluddin Faculty is a very important part of the Islamic education ecosystem in various universities and higher education institutions throughout the world. This faculty is dedicated to exploring the core teachings of Islam, not only from a religious perspective, but also intellectual and academic. Within the Ushuluddin Faculty, students undergo a series of courses that include an in-depth understanding of basic concepts in Islam, such as aqidah (beliefs), fiqh (Islamic law), and akhlak (ethics). They also study the history of the development of Islamic thought, including the role of leading scholars in Islamic history.
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Study Programs
Religious Studies (SAA)
S1-BachelorQur’anic Studies (IAT)
S1-BachelorHadith Studies (IH)
S1-BachelorIslamic Creed and Philosophy (AFI)
S1-BachelorSufism (IT)
S1-BachelorMaster of Religious Studies (MSAA)
S2-MasterMaster of Qur'anic Studies (MIAT)
Faculty of Usuluddin
Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, M.A
Professor of Quranic StudiesProf. Dr. Said Agil Husin Al Munawar, M.A.
Professor of Fiqh and Ushul FiqhProf. Ismatu Ropi, MA., PhD
Professor of Comparative ReligionProf. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, M.A
Professor of Islamic ThoughtProf. Dr. Zainun Kamaluddin Fakih, M.A.
Professor of Islamic PhilosophyProf. Dr. M. Ikhsan Tanggok, M.Si.
Professor of Anthropology of ReligionProf. Dr. M. Amin Nurdin, M.A.
Professor of Sociology of ReligionProf. Dr. Masri Mansoer, M.Ag.
Professor of SociologyProf. Dr. M. Ridwan Lubis, M.A.
Professor of Islamic ThoughtProf. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar, M.A.
Professor of Islamic PhilosophyProf. Dr. Hamid Nasuhi, M.Ag.
Professor of Islamic SufismProf. Dr. Bambang Irawan, M.Ag.
Professor of Islamic SufismProf. Dr. Hamdani Anwar, M.A.
Professor of PhilosophyProf. Dr. Rd. Mulyadhi Kartanegara
Professor of Islamic Philosophy