Abput Faculty of Ushuluddin

Vision, Mission, Goals and Motto

Vission Faculty of Ushuluddin

Being excellence in the study, development and integration of Islamic sciences and social sciences in Southeast Asia by 2026.

Mission Faculty of Ushuluddin

1. Organizing higher education and teaching in the field of ushuluddin science that is integrative, by catching up with the development of science and technology as well as the global interests.
2. Carrying out research and community services based upon high quality research in the field of ushuluddin.
3. Providing good facilities and infrastructure for higher education.
4. Operating higher education with an organization culture that is professional, accountable, integrity and entrepreneurial..


The aim of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is: First to prepare students to become members of society who have academic and/or professional abilities who can apply, develop, create Islamic religious knowledge, science and technology and art that are imbued with values. Islam; secondly, to develop and disseminate Islamic religious knowledge, science and technology, art imbued with Islamic values, and strive to use them to improve people's lives and enrich culture. In line with the objectives of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the objectives of the Ushuluddin Faculty include:

  1. To produce Muslim scholars with an insight into Islamic, scientific, and Indonesian knowledge.
  2. Providing students with a foundation in religious basics.
  3. Producing academics who are tolerant of the diversity of other people's beliefs and religions.
  4. To produce graduates who understand the history of religions, Islamic thought, and the interpretation of hadith.
  5. Analyze aspects of the clarity of vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
  6. The formulation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives is very straightforward, focusing on integrating the fundamentals of Islamic knowledge and social sciences with ethical, Indonesian, and humanitarian dimensions.
  7. There is a set deadline for achievement, which is 2021.
  8. Analysis of the aspects of the realism of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
  9. Availability of expert professors in the field of Islamic jurisprudence.
  10. Adequate facilities and infrastructure.
  11. Availability of a curriculum that includes Islamic studies, social sciences, and Indonesian studies.
  12. Analysis of the interconnection of vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
  13. The vision and mission of the Faculty are closely interconnected. The mission represents the detailed tasks of the vision, while the objectives are related to concrete outcomes to be achieved.
  14. The vision of the Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence is linked to the vision of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, which is "UIN Syarif Hidayatullah as an autonomous and excellent higher education institution in the integration of Islamic knowledge."