About the Faculty of Islamic Theology

Work Programs

A. Introduction

The urgency for the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to develop a professional and moderate generation towards global recognition involves several important reasons. One of them is the enhancement of competitiveness and capacity of the existing faculty, especially the Faculty of Islamic Theology as the foundation faculty for the establishment of Islamic religious higher education in Indonesia.

There are several key factors in the effort to transform the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta towards international excellence if the faculty continues to adapt to the principles of good university governance, emphasizing transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.

The most important factors include:

  1. Visionary leadership. This leadership model has a long-term vision and commitment to the transformation and development of the institution, which will drive ongoing innovation. Visionary leadership should be part of the perspective of the Dean, Vice Deans, Heads and Secretaries of Study Programs, Heads of General and Personnel Affairs, Academic and Alumni Sub-Coordinators, General and Personnel Sub-Coordinators, Planning and Accounting Sub-Coordinators, and other managerial elements within the Faculty of Islamic Theology.
  2. Collaborative ability and partnerships with various educational, industry, and local or international government institutions will enable the exchange of knowledge, technology, and resources to support innovation and new discoveries. Collaboration and partnerships are closely related to the culture of innovation. This culture encourages creativity, new thinking, and experimentation, which will accelerate the realization of innovation in various aspects, including curriculum, teaching methodologies, and research.
  3. Strengthening the fundamental infrastructure of the faculty, such as representative classrooms, digitally-based libraries, and fast internet connectivity, will provide crucial support for teaching and research.
  4. Continuous strengthening of human resources by recruiting and retaining high-quality lecturers, researchers, and educators, as well as providing continuous professional training and development.
  5. Adequate funding to ensure financial availability to support innovative activities, including internal funding from the institution and seeking external funding sources.
  6. Adaptation to changes by continuously monitoring global trends and changes and adapting to needs and expectations will help the Faculty become more relevant and internationally recognized.

These factors, of course, have a spectrum that needs to be adapted to the real situation and the capabilities possessed by UIN Jakarta in general. The more these factors are fulfilled, the higher the likelihood of the success of the offered and implemented programs. These external factors should also be integrated with several internal components to make the Faculty of Islamic Theology excellent and internationally oriented. Some of these components include:

    1. Development of a strong academic ecosystem with an emphasis on knowledge and skills developed by study programs according to the real needs of the community.
    2. Development of character education and religious values that teach a moderate attitude, tolerance, and mutual respect.
    3. Development of an inclusive learning ecosystem that promotes collaboration, cross-cultural understanding, and diverse learning experiences.
    4. Development of professional skills to prepare students to face the challenges of the job market.
    5. Mainstreaming of extracurricular activities and community engagement that strengthen social awareness and the involvement of lecturers and students in building the community using different or varied models.

B. Basic Strategies Towards an Excellent Faculty of Islamic Theology

To achieve this, there are at least three fundamental strategies that can be developed at the Faculty of Islamic Theology, namely (1) strengthening faculty resource capacity related to facilities, financial administrative management, and public relations; (2) strengthening academic capacity and the uniqueness of the faculty/programs with an international orientation; and (3) strengthening skill capacity, student talent development, and community service.

  1. Strengthening Faculty Resource Capacity.
    Strengthening faculty resource capacity related to facilities, financial administrative management, and public relations is crucial to make the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta excellent. There are several key issues:
    1. Strengthening faculty management capacity by reviewing policies related to administrative and financial management. This is important to enhance a management framework based on accountability and transparency. Second, enhancing the development of academic and non-academic staff's capacity at the Faculty of Islamic Theology through participation in relevant seminars, training, or certification.
      Third, developing a service center implementing an integrated information system based on the automation of administrative tasks, improving the accuracy of administrative reporting, financial management, and asset management. Fourth, strengthening and maintaining a clean and comfortable culture at the Faculty of Islamic Theology, emphasizing the cleanliness of classrooms, offices, and public spaces such as toilets, elevators, staircases, disability-friendly facilities, tidiness, and comfort. Fifth, a public relations plan for the Faculty of Islamic Theology based on comprehensive communication strategies. This strategic communication plan should involve various communication channels, including social media, websites, and internal publications. This communication strategy encompasses the ability to create and deliver consistent messages tailored to the needs of the target audience; the quality of the public relations team's knowledge of communication strategies and media management; and the ability to build relationships with local and national media.
  2. Academic Capacity and Specialization of the Faculty/Programs with an International Orientation
    Strengthening academic capacity and the uniqueness of the faculty/programs with an international orientation is the process of enhancing the excellence of the academic community at the Faculty of Islamic Theology in teaching and research with characteristics that differentiate the Faculty of Islamic Theology in Jakarta from similar faculties in other Islamic religious higher education institutions. For this purpose, there are several key issues related to this:
      1. Development of a relevant curriculum that corresponds to the latest developments in the field of study at the Faculty of Islamic Theology with an international orientation. The curriculum must include clear objectives, relevant and up-to-date courses, varied teaching methods, and integration with information and communication technology (ICT) systems that engage students. Second, improving the quality of teaching systematically through faculty training, field knowledge upgrades, innovative teaching methods, and effective educational technology usage. It is essential for Faculty of Islamic Theology lecturers to continually develop interdisciplinary approaches to develop study courses to make them more relevant and appealing. Third, the promotion of quality research culture. The Faculty of Islamic Theology should facilitate and encourage lecturers and students to conduct high-quality research and provide the necessary support and resources, such as access to a good library, adequate laboratory facilities, and research methodology training in various levels and disciplines. Fourth, the promotion of academic writing culture. Research conducted at the Faculty of Islamic Theology should serve two main purposes: (1) strengthening the capacity of study programs and courses or improving the quality of study program teaching and education, and (2) enhancing the skills of the faculty member researcher. The results of this research should be facilitated for publication in various accredited national and international journals. Quality publications in relevant fields contribute to the reputation and image of the Faculty of Islamic Theology. Fifth, strengthening existing journals and establishing new program-based journals. As a flagship faculty and program, the presence of journals at the Faculty of Islamic Theology should receive serious attention. Therefore, concrete policies need to be implemented to ensure that journal publications at the Faculty of Islamic Theology continue regularly, including strengthening management and funding.
  3. Strengthening Skill Capacity, Student Talent Development, and Community Service
    Ideally, there are several standards or criteria for assessing students of the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta as proud alumni, including: (1) good knowledge of Islam and the ability to practice it moderately and inclusively in daily life and in interactions with others; (2) academic achievements, where students must have good academic achievements, such as a sufficient GPA, successful completion of courses, and mastery of knowledge and skills relevant to their chosen study program; (3) ethics and behavior, where students must exhibit good behavior, including strong ethics, integrity, discipline, and responsibility. They must also adhere to campus regulations and show a positive attitude towards lecturers, staff, and fellow students; (4) interpersonal skills, where students must have good communication skills, the ability to work as a team, and the ability to interact with people from various backgrounds and cultures. These skills are essential to adapt to a multicultural work environment; (5) social awareness and student involvement in extracurricular activities, such as participation in student organizations, social activities, and community service programs. To build students of the Faculty of Islamic Theology into professional and moderate individuals, several steps can be taken:
      1. Strengthening the student selection system to obtain quality input.
      2. Developing a relevant curriculum and learning system and proportionally integrating academic understanding and practical skills relevant to the job market. As a religious faculty, it should be a specialty that the developed curriculum emphasizes religious content as values that teach moderate values, as well as interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, and professional skills required in the future.
      3. Providing continuous training and guidance to help students develop academic, professional, and interpersonal skills, including communication skills, time management, and career guidance to help students prepare for the job market and future life.
      4. Strengthening internship opportunities and practical work in the industry or related institutions to provide practical experience for students, enabling them to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in a real work context while gaining an understanding of professionalism and proportionality. It is also essential to provide as many student exchange and international cooperation opportunities as possible to broaden students' perspectives on culture, religion, and global outlook and their ability to appreciate diversity.
      5. Institutionalization of moderate values within the campus environment carried out systematically to create an ecosystem that encourages the practice of moderate values through the development of policies, educational programs, and activities that promote mutual respect, tolerance, cooperation, and interfaith dialogue.
      6. Strengthening community service by developing community service programs relevant to their respective study programs. A reorientation of the concept of community service, internship, and field work is needed to ensure that community service activities benefit students and study programs in addressing real issues in the community.
C. General Policies Towards an Excellent Faculty of Islamic Theology 2024-2025

To achieve the goal of making the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta an excellent and internationally oriented institution, there are several general policies that will be the focal points of the Faculty of Islamic Theology's work program for the year 2024-2025:

  1. Strengthening faculty resource capacity related to facilities, financial administrative management, and public relations by:
    1. Reinforcing a service-based working culture for faculty, educational staff, staff, students, and alumni;
    2. Strengthening the ability of faculty/researchers and staff in the management and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and services;
    3. Fostering a sense of togetherness and professionalism in working and serving;
    4. Seeking new buildings and/or additional educational facilities that are adequate for Professors, lecturers, educational staff, staff, and students of the Faculty of Islamic Theology to support work and learning;
    5. Reviewing and improving ongoing collaborations and expanding new cooperation networks at the national and international levels in education, teaching, and research that have an impact on improving the quality of the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta;
    6. Ensuring competent resources in the implementation of activities at the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta through the promotion and demotion process for all lecturers, educational staff, and staff running smoothly and transparently;
    7. Optimizing the evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the work program of the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta on an ongoing basis.
  2. Strengthening academic capacity and the uniqueness of faculty/programs with an international orientation by:
    1. Improving educational curriculum and teaching systems that impact the quality and competence of graduates;
    2. Strengthening the distinction and relevance of education and teaching at the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta;
    3. Mapping the resources (resource mapping) of lecturers/researchers and staff based on expertise, skills, and educational backgrounds;
    4. Enhancing the research themes of lecturers/researchers related to individual and collaborative disciplines in the development of study programs;
    5. Strengthening a culture and research capacity for lecturers to compete and have a broader impact on campus by providing merit-based incentives and expertise-based opportunities;
    6. Strengthening the ability of lecturers/researchers and staff in the management and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and services;
    7. Strengthening institutional capacity in the management and quality of journals or publications within the Faculty of Islamic Theology at UIN Jakarta.
  3. Strengthening skill capacity, nurturing student talents, and community engagement by:
    1. Enhancing the creativity, achievements, and noble character of students by strengthening a culture of courtesy, empathy, and mutual respect in social interaction within the Faculty's environment, specifically, and the campus as a whole;
    2. Expanding opportunities for students to interact with groups or perspectives different from their own;
    3. Expanding cooperation networks at the national and international levels in education for students;
    4. Strengthening the culture of reading, researching, and writing the Qur'an for students;
    5. Enhancing student skills such as language proficiency and leadership.