Hadith Studies
To excel and be prominent in the field of hadith with Islamic, humanitarian and Indonesian dimensions in 2024.
- Realizing professional and highly competitive teaching, education and development of Hadith-Hadith Science studies.
- Improving the quality of science and research in the development of Hadith-Hadith Science studies.
- Creating effective cooperation with a number of mutually beneficial parties both on a local, national and international scale.
- Encouraging community service activities both through groups and individuals.
- Producing graduates who are experts in the study of Hadith and Science.
- Equipping students with the ability to implement knowledge of hadith and hadith science in practice, both in formal and non-formal institutions/institutions.
- Producing graduates who are critical, creative and innovative, with Islamic, humanitarian and Indonesian dimensions
- Producing and producing quality Bachelors of Religion, who are able to meet the demands of national development in the field of hadith and hadith science.
- Preparing hadith and hadith science reviewers and researchers who have academic competence, honest personalities and noble morals.
The main profile of graduates of the hadith studies study program is as novice hadith experts, academics and research assistants who have good personalities, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and are able to carry out duties and responsibilities based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise.
Hadith Studies offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources who are experts in the field of Hadith Science. Apart from Islamic scientific education and teaching, Hadith Science offers general scientific education and teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values. Curriculum design, learning methods, and quality teachers are the advantages of Hadith Science. Now, Hadith science offers education levels at bachelor's and master's levels.
No | Nama |
Study Program |
1 | Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Husin Al Munawar, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
2 | Dr. Sandi Santosa, M.Si. | Hadith Studies |
3 | Dr. Abdul Hakim Wahid, S.H.I, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
4 | Fahrizal Mahdi, Lc., MIRKH | Hadith Studies |
5 | Hilmy Firdausy, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
6 | M. Khoirul Huda, S.Th.I, Lc., M.A. | Hadith Studies |
7 | Syarifah Rusydah, M.Ag., Ph.D | Hadith Studies |
8 | Lisfa Sentosa Aisyah, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
9 | Dr. Rifqi Muhammad Fatkhi, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
10 | Dr. Bustamin, S.E., M.Si | Hadith Studies |
11 | Drs. Harun Rasyid, M.Ag. | Hadith Studies |
12 | Maulana, M.Ag. | Hadith Studies |
13 | Dr. Ala'i Nadjib, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
14 | Hasanuddin, M.A. | Hadith Studies |
The Faculty of Ushuluddin Laboratory is an Educational Laboratory used for various student practical, research and research activities. There are various types of equipment that are very supportive for practical work. With the availability of fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment facilities during the practical work. This laboratory has a very large place, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practical work. In addition, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practical work in the Laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.

The library is the heart of the university that functions as a supporter of the movement and academic dynamics of the university. The library is tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Ushuluddin Faculty Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. Until now, the library has a printed and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, and others. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the FU library provides computers equipped with wired and wi-fi internet services.