Master in Islamic Creed and Philosophy
The Master in Islamic Creed and Philosophy was founded in 2012 through the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number: 1424 of 2012, regarding the Permit to Organize Postgraduate Study Programs at Islamic Higher Education (PTAI). Then, it was further strengthened by the Decree of the Chancellor of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with Number: Un.01/R/HK.00.5/113/2012 concerning the Determination of Permits for the Implementation of Postgraduate Study Programs at the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
This master program earned the score 362 which means the accreditation rank is A according to the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 2793/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VII/2019 as per 30 July 2019.
Excellent and prominent in the study of Kalam, Islamic Philosophy and Sufism in Indonesia and the Islamic world in 2036.
- Develop knowledge and expertise in Kalam, Islamic Philosophy and Sufism.
- Develop high-level studies in Kalam, Islamic Philosophy, and Sufism based on a comprehensive understanding of the realities of the nation and the world.
- Develop research in Kalam, Islamic Philosophy, and Sufism.
- To equip students with advanced knowledge and understanding of the key concepts, texts, and historical developments in Islamic theology and philosophy.
- To enable students to critically analyze and synthesize Islamic theological and philosophical arguments with an aim to address modern-day challenges and ethical dilemmas.
- To promote original research in the field of Islamic theology and philosophy, encouraging contributions to academic journals, conferences, and scholarly discussions that enhance the understanding of Islam in a global context.
- Proficient in the fundamental principles of Islamic Aqidah and philosophical thought, capable of interpreting and analyzing classical and contemporary Islamic texts.
- Provides ethical and moral guidance based on a deep understanding of Islamic theology and philosophy, helping individuals and communities navigate modern challenges while staying true to Islamic principles.
- Utilizes deep knowledge of Islamic principles and ethical reasoning to inform and influence public policy, particularly in areas related to social justice, education, and community development.
The Master in Islamic Creed and Philosophy offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources who are experts in the field of Islamic Masters and Philosophy. In addition to Islamic Masters and Philosophy, FU offers general scientific education and teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values. Curriculum design, learning methods, and quality teachers are FU's strengths. Now, FU offers education at the undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and even professional levels.
No | Nama |
Study Program |
1 | Basyir Arif, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
2 | Fardiana Fikria Qur'any, M. Ud | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
3 | Dr. Humaidi, S.Th.I., M.Ud | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
4 | Dr. Aktobi Ghozali, M. A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
5 | Qusthan Abqary Hisan Firdaus, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
6 | Dra. Banun Binaningrum, M. Pd. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
7 | Rosmaria Syafariyah Widjajanti, S.S., M. Si. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
8 | Dr. Kusen, M.A | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
9 | Drs. Ramlan A. Gani, M.Ag. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
10 | Dr. Tien Rohmatin, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
11 | Wawan Kurniawan, M.Ag. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
12 | Prof. Dr. Rd. Mulyadhi Kartanegara | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
13 | Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
14 | Prof. Dr. H Zainun Kamaluddin Fakih, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
15 | Dr. Rahmat Hidayatullah, M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
16 | Bahriyadi, M.Ag. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
17 | Hifdi Ridho, S.Fil.I., M.A | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
18 | Dr. Rizky Yazid, M.Ag. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
19 | Muhamad Tamamul Iman, M.Phil | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
20 | Hanafi, S.Ag., M.A. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
21 | Din Wahid, M.A., Ph.D | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
22 | Drs. Agus Darmaji, M.Fils | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
23 | Dr. Kholid Al Walid, M.Ag. | Islamic Creed and Philosophy |
The Faculty of Ushuluddin Laboratory is an Educational Laboratory used for various student practical, research and research activities. There are various types of equipment that are very supportive for practical work. With the availability of fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment facilities during the practical work. This laboratory has a very large place, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practical work. In addition, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practical work in the Laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.

The library is the heart of the university that functions as a supporter of the movement and academic dynamics of the university. The library is tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Faculty of Ushuluddin Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. Until now, the library has a printed and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, and others. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the FU library provides computers equipped with wired internet services and wi-fi.