Bachelor Program in Religious Studies
The bachelor in Religious Studies is located at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Number 24. This study program began to operate since the establishment of the Faculty of Ushuluddin on 17 December 1963 through a decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 5 of 1963 under the name Comparative Religion (PA). The PA Study Program is located and held at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Institute (IAIN), and the IAIN has transformed into the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta since the 2000/2001 academic year. In 2003, the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education assessed the PA study program, and the latter earned the score as high as 602 (A) as it is available in the accreditation number: 014/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/VII/2000. The re-accreditation process happened in the 2011/2012 academic year, and the PA study program gained a score 356 (B). Based upon the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Higher Education Number 6943 of 2016 concerning Changes and Adjustments to the Nomenclature of Study Programs at Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI), the name Comparative Religion should be changed to Study of Religions (SAA). Then, there was a change on the academic title from the Bachelor of Islamic Theology (S.Th.I) into the Bachelor of Religion (SAg) based upon the Regulation of the Minister of Religion number 33 of 2016 concerning Academic Degrees for Religious Tertiary Institutions and the Decree of the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta number 850 of 2016 concerning Student Academic Degrees. Now, the study program is accredited A.
The undergraduate program in Religious Studies is designed to meet the needs of academics who have excellent skills in the field of religious studies. With the diversity of religious people in Indonesia, this study program has been educating and training many thinkers, figures and practitioners who possess knowledge, skills and attitudes to maintain diversity and peace. Therefore, the undergraduate program in Religious Studies has always paying attention both internal and external stakeholders in order to shaping and reshaping its vision, missions and curriculum.
Excellent and leading in Excellent and leading in the study of Religious Studies integrated with Islam and Indonesianness.
- Developing education and teaching that produces Muslim scholars who are experts in the study of religions.
- Developing research on the study of religions, religious phenomena and ongoing socio-religious changes.
- Developing the ability to solve religious problems to encourage harmony between and among religious adherents and a peaceful and tolerant religious life.
- Attitudes that reflect and uphold Islamic values, Indonesianness and academic ethics;
- Having knowledge of theoretical and methodological concepts regarding religions, religion and contemporary issues, harmony between religious communities, and interfaith dialogue;
- Having expertise in the field of religious studies for the sake of harmony, interfaith dialogue, solving problems that cause conflict between religious communities and encouraging the birth of peaceful religious life in a pluralistic society;
- Being responsible for careers in various fields of work related to the Study of Religions and harmony as well as further studies in the field of Religious Studies;
- The ability to write, present and make the right decisions based on analysis of information and data and take various alternative solutions independently and in groups using information technology to support those concerned in lifelong learning;
- The ability to adapt in different and rapidly changing social environments while continuously developing and building awareness of the importance of dialogue and harmony.
- Thinker of Religious Relations.
- Analyst of Religious Relations Problems.
- Assistant Researcher of Religions and Socio-Religious..
The Bachelor in Religious Studies Program is an intellectual vehicle that invites students to explore and understand the diversity of religions that surround our world. This is a program that offers deep insight into the various religious traditions, beliefs, spiritual practices, and history of different religions around the world.
One of the main features of the program is its inclusive and comparative approach to religions. Students learn about major religions such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, as well as lesser-known minority religions and traditional beliefs. This allows them to understand the similarities, differences, and interactions between various religions.
No | Nama |
Study Program |
1 | Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, M.A. | Religious Studies |
2 | Muhammad Sairi, M.Ag. | Religious Studies |
3 | Prof. Dr. M. Amin Nurdin, M.A. | Religious Studies |
4 | Prof. Dr. Masri Mansoer, M.Ag. | Religious Studies |
5 | Syaiful Azmi, S.Ag., M.A. | Religious Studies |
6 | Dr. Ahmad Ridho, DESA | Religious Studies |
7 | Prof. Dr. M. Ikhsan Tanggok, M.Si. | Religious Studies |
8 | Prof. Drs. Ismatu Ropi, M.A, Ph.D. | Religious Studies |
9 | Prof. Dr. M. Ridwan Lubis, M.A. | Religious Studies |
10 | Dra. Hermawati, M.A. | Religious Studies |
11 | Siti Nadroh, S.Ag., M.Ag | Religious Studies |
12 | Trie Yunita Sari, M.A. | Religious Studies |
13 | Dra. Halimah, S.M., M.Ag. | Religious Studies |
14 | Drs. Moh. Nuh HS., M.Ag. | Religious Studies |
15 | Drs. Dadi Darmadi, M.A. | Religious Studies |
16 | Wasil, S.Th.I., M.Ag | Religious Studies |
The Faculty of Ushuluddin Laboratory is an Educational Laboratory used for various student practical, research and research activities. There are various types of equipment that are very supportive for practical work. With the availability of fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment facilities during the practical work. This laboratory has a very large place, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practical work. In addition, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practical work in the Laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.

The library is the heart of the university that functions as a supporter of the movement and academic dynamics of the university. The library is tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Ushuluddin Faculty Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. Until now, the library has a printed and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, and others. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the FU library provides computers equipped with wired and wi-fi internet services.