FU UIN Jakarta Holds Seminar, Examining the Traces of Jamaah Islamiyah After its Disbandment
FU UIN Jakarta Holds Seminar, Examining the Traces of Jamaah Islamiyah After its Disbandment

Ushul News – Ciputat - Highlighting the disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah on June 30, 2024, a collaboration between the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University or UIN Jakarta, El Bukhari Institute, and Densus 88 of the National Police Headquarters, held a seminar entitled "Eroding Seeds That Once Grew: Islamism After the Disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia". The seminar, which was packed with participants, was held in the Theater Room of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, 4th Floor. Thursday (10/10/2024).

The interactive activity, which took place from 08.30-12.30 WIB, presented several speakers, including M. Syauqillah, S.H.I., M.Sc., Ph. D (Head of the UI SKSG Study Program), Dr. Rahmat Hidayatullah, MA (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta), Noor Huda Ismail, Ph.D (Founder of the Prasasti Perdamaian Foundation), Uztad Fuad Junaedi (Former Napiter Jemaah Islamiyah), Ustadz Ahong (El Bukhari Institute), and moderated by Saadatul Jannah, S.Th.I, MA (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta).

The purpose of this activity is to open the horizons of the academic community of the Faculty of Ushuluddin about how Jemaah Islamiyah is after its dissolution.

The Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Prof. Ismatu Ropi, MA, Ph.D, welcomed this activity and in his speech said that Indonesia is one of the strategic countries for all forms of ideology or movements, so that they can always grow and develop.

"Yes, whatever ideology, perspective, or movement that is sown in Indonesia can always grow and develop, including movements that imagine the establishment of an Islamic state such as Jamaah Islamiyah," he said.

He further said that the disbandment initiated by Jamaah Islamiyah figures should be responded to with a positive and critical perspective.

"The state needs to be present and proactive in channeling their energy to participate in building this country, so that they can transform into devout Muslims and become good Indonesians," he added.

The Director of the El Bukhari Institute, Abdul Karim Munthe, invited students and the audience present at the seminar to develop critical thinking in responding to this phenomenon.

"This is in order to fortify ourselves from radical understandings and ideologies that have the potential to tear apart the peace and harmony of this country," he said.

The Seminar Moderator, Saadatul Jannah, began the discussion by saying that Jamaah Islamiyah is still considered a latent threat. Jemaah Islamiyah does not operate as openly as it did at its peak in the early 2000s, and many of its leaders and members have been arrested or killed.

"Therefore, students of the Faculty of Ushuluddin have an obligation to go down to the community to clarify the negative stigmas that are still widespread in society," he said.

Former Jemaah Islamiyah convict, Fuad Junaidi, in his presentation explained that JI's own Need is actually only to have their aspirations heard. Here, Fuad explained how Jemaah Islamiyah views the country.

"No longer considering those who are not Muslim as infidels, so that this country does not become a land of jihad, which ultimately results in Muslims also becoming victims. What used to be only an infidel country and an Islamic country, has changed into an infidel country, an Islamic country, and darul ahdi wa syahadah. Indonesia is included in the third (darul ahdi wa syahadah), not infidel, and not completely Islamic. Here we accept Indonesia," he explained.

Meanwhile, Lecturer of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Jakarta, Rahmat Hidayatullah, highlighted that Islamism is a term for ideology and movement that wants the establishment of an Islamic state.

"Islamism is not Islam itself. There are many variants of Islamism, from those that are flexible and adopt a peaceful-gradual strategy to those that adopt an extreme strategy of violence to suicide bombings. Jamaah Islamiyah is a variant of pro-violent jihadist Islamism formed from the combination of local and global elements," he explained.

According to him, there are several tendencies of ideological orientation and direction of the Jamaah Islamiyah movement after the dissolution.

"From jihadist Islamism, it has changed to non-violent political Islamism, or transformed into missionary Islamism that focuses on the agenda of da'wah, or into popular and cultural Islamism. For each choice, the state must prepare different policy and program scenarios," he added.

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In the same place, the Founder of the Prasasti Perdamaian Foundation, Noor Huda Ismail, after the dissolution, Jamaah Islamiyah will become an ideology that moves without a container.

"The handling of them after the disbandment must be diverse, it is necessary to pay attention to ideological, psychological and geopolitical aspects. The creation of a handling roadmap must also pay attention to geopolitical developments," he concluded.

In line with this, the Head of the Terrorism Studies Study Program at the School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia, M. Syauqillah, views the importance of an integrated handling roadmap.

"After this, we need an integrated and sustainable handling roadmap to welcome the post-dissolution situation. The implementation of this roadmap must involve many stakeholders (office holders), it cannot be left to just one particular institution," he said. (Hida/Man/FU)