Welcoming Odd Semester 2024, FU Holds Lecturer Meeting to Discuss Lecture Preparation
Welcoming Odd Semester 2024, FU Holds Lecturer Meeting to Discuss Lecture Preparation

Welcoming the Odd Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year, the Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Pre-Lecture Lecturer Meeting. This event was held in the Meeting Room of the Main Library, 7th Floor, Tuesday (August 20, 2024).

This lecturer meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin Prof. Ismatu Ropi, MA, Ph.D, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, MA, Vice Dean for Finance and General Administration Dr. Lilik Ummi Kaltsum, M.Ag, Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation Dr. Eva Nugraha, M.Ag, Head of Administration Ahmad Sulhi, M.Kom, 55 Lecturers, Staff and Education Personnel.

The event started at exactly 09.00 WIB and was opened by Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, M.A. by discussing the 1 semester report as the vice dean for academic affairs, one of which will be an evaluation of the courses (which will be merged) and lecturers are asked to be responsive to changes.

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Next, the report from the vice dean for general administration Dr. Lilik Ummi Kaltsum, M.Ag who explained about the UKT of new students of the Faculty of Ushuluddin can be said to be lower middle class economy as seen from the number of students who have applied for a reduction and installments of UKT.

Then the vice dean for student affairs Dr. Eva Nugraha, M.Ag who explained the distribution of FU students from those who are active and scholarship recipients. The current KIP Scholarship recipients are: IAT 44, AFI 35, IH 29, SAA 19, IT 25 people.

This lecturer meeting was continued with a sharing and question and answer session until the photo session for each lecturer and lunch together. (Alp)

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