FU UIN Jakarta Holds Digital-Based Service Optimization Workshop
FU UIN Jakarta Holds Digital-Based Service Optimization Workshop

FU Online, Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta held a workshop lecture on Thursday-Friday 27-28 June 2024 at Syahida Inn, with the topic, "Optimizing Digital-Based Services".

This workshop event invited an expert speaker in the IT field, namely, Irfan F. Rahman (VP Business Development PT Scholar Data Andalan) and was moderated by Ahmad Sulhi, M.Kom (Head of TU FU UIN Jakarta) with his enthusiastic presentation.

Starting the workshop, Deputy Dean for General Administration, FU UIN Jakarta, Dr. Lilik Ummi Kalsum, MA. Provide introductory remarks by appreciating the holding of this event to provide knowledge about digitalization of services for lecturers, students and staff.

Then the event continued with a presentation from the resource person, namely, Irfan F. Rahman, explaining the use of digitalization technology including Microsoft Suite and Google Suite. "Digitalization technology is necessary nowadays to facilitate all activities both in terms of work, in this case related to academic community activities.

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UIN Syarif Hidayatullah itself is now switching from using Google Suite to Microsoft Suite. One of the Microsoft Suite applications is Microsoft 365. This Microsoft 365 cloud-based service will save time and make it easier for employees to communicate and collaborate from anywhere, spark innovation in product development, improve academic services, build competitive advantages, and achieve goals.

"Optimization of cloud computing in storing data on One Drive which is synchronized with a laptop or office PC so you can work from anywhere," said Irfan.

After that, the lecturers, staff and students practiced how to use applications in Microsoft 365 such as Teams, OneDrive, etc. This activity is expected to increase knowledge for the FU UIN Jakarta academic community in using cloud services from Microsoft Suite.

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Workshop Digitalisasi 3-min

Workshop Digitalisasi 7-min

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