135th Graduation, FU UIN Jakarta Graduates 107 Prospective Graduates
The Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) UIN Jakarta officially released 107 new graduates who will soon graduate this weekend. The new graduates were released at the FU graduation procession which took place at the H.A.R. Partosentono Theater Room FU UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (20/02/2025).
Present at the 135th Graduation Ceremony were Dean of FU UIN Jakarta Prof. Ismatu Ropi, M.A., Ph.D, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, M.A., Vice Dean for General Administration Dr. Lilik Ummi Kaltsum, M.A., Vice Dean for Student Affairs Dr. Eva Nugraha, M.Ag., and the heads of study programs and secretaries of study programs.
On the same occasion, a number of outstanding graduates were also announced, read by Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, M.A with the highest Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) where the best graduate from the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science Study Program who also became the best graduate at FU on behalf of Mafadhillah Paoziah Suhaedi with a GPA of 3.90 with Cumlaude predicate.
Representing the best graduate, Fadhillah expressed his gratitude to his parents, and all academicians who have led him to the 135th graduation and graduation stages. "Grades are not the determinant, that someone is the best, everyone in this room is the best, at least they have done their best for themselves," said Fadhillah.
Then a speech from the chairman of the Faculty of Ushuluddin Alumni Association (IKALFU) Dr. Rizky Yazid who hopes that prospective graduates can contribute in providing benefits to younger students such as scholarships. Furthermore, the symbolic awarding of scholarships to FU students.
After the IKALFU speech, the names of the best graduates of the study program and outstanding graduates were read out with the awarding of certificates and award necklaces.